If You Are Not Progressing You Are Getting Worse

Read this letter if you feel that you’re not making any progress in some part of your life.

Also read this letter if you’re making progress and want to know what will happen when you stop improving, and how to keep your momentum. 

The first thing worth mentioning is that everything counts.

Not only the things you want to count.

You worked on your business. Nice, that’s a plus. But after that you scrolled reels for two hours. That’s at least as big of a minus as the plus was. So after doing this, you’re even. Back at zero again. 

The universe counts all things, and the amount of positive things you’ve done to achieve your goal, against the negative ones decide whether you’re going to achieve your goal or not.

YOU don’t decide which things matter, and which don’t.

Many people only think about the things they’ve decided themselves to be important (often positive ones).

We often don’t count the small parts where we lack, and then we wonder why our results are disappointing.

As soon as you chill out you will regress

Don’t think that you can just chill and get comfortable when you’ve seen some progress. Remember what got you to where you are. To continue making progress you have to keep pushing and do even more.

Otherwise you will lose your progress and get complacent. Getting complacent is never good, but it’s so easy to fall into that trap. 

I experienced complacency when I booked my first two meetings with gym owners while doing SMMA. My daily efforts leading up to the meetings with the gym owners declined and I cold called other businesses a lot less. 

I thought I had everything figured out and that I would get my first client.

I was very wrong. 

I closed none of the two gym owners on the meetings, and now it would have come in handy to have the momentum for the upcoming cold calls I would have to make to get more meetings.

I would of course have needed to continue cold calling after the meetings, regardless if I closed the gym owners or not, which makes it even more stupid.

If you’re not progressing then you’re getting comfortable with the level of challenge you meet every day, and the comfort makes you weaker. 

You should always try to get uncomfortable and learn new things. You should feel discomfort when you learn something new. That’s a good sign because it means you’re getting better because you don’t fully know it all. By learning and doing new and hard things you evolve. 

You should love to evolve. The universe loves to evolve and you should always try to be on the same page as the universe. If you know how the universe works and you act in accordance with it – you will see a lot of success.

You can’t make progress ALL of the time

It’s impossible to be progressing every second, every day, because there will come periods where you don’t get any better results and have to solve a problem to grow again. Entrepreneurship and growing is all about solving problems. Often that problem is you not growing.

To grow in the long term you have to take a step back sometimes.

So when I say that you should always make progress I’m talking more about getting better when looking at a slightly longer time period.

Lastly you should know that if you are the same, but more time has elapsed – then you are worse.

Yes you read that right.

If you’re the same as before, then you are worse than before.

That is because you should have achieved more by now than before, and you’re therefore worse relative to the time you’ve been given.

Don’t forget this when you’re looking at your results.

That’s it for this letter.

See ya.